Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 27, 2014 Wednesday Rocky Mountain National Park

We woke up to rain and did some chores. There is a cold front and it is chilly and we get some rain every now and then but it is a light drizzle for an hour and then its over.  By mid day, it was time to hit the National Park.
One of the "must do's" is to take the Trail Ridge road (US 34).  This is the highest paved road in North America.  At Estes Park we are at an elevation of about 7,500 feet.  Trail Ridge takes you up to 12,183 feet which is above the timber line, then above the tundra line, to the glacier line (rock).   As you can imagine it is a narrow, winding road.  The traffic was a constant flow of cars, trucks and even RV's (can't believe they took their RV's to the top!) going both ways.  The views are as you would guess (or have seen), spectacular!
One of the Many Views from Trail Ridge Road

What the photo does not show is that, in some places, you have a very small margin of error while driving.  You do not want to run off the edge of the road or you may not stop turning over and over until Saturday!
As we climbed in elevation we got in the heavy clouds and photos became difficult.  The temperature dropped to 37 degrees and just as we got to the top, it started to sleet, then snow!  We didn't stay long at the Visitor Center at the top because we were concerned about the road down.
You can see the snow on Fiona's windshield
As we got to lower elevations we got out of the clouds and the weather was much better.  But, the road was still curvy.

 We stopped at several lookouts and took in the views.
Horseshoe Pass
We went into town at Estes Park and got some provisions and back to walk Maggie.  Maggie was in the car with us the whole day.  We take her bed with us in the back seat.  The driving does not disturb her naps at all.  Back to the RV Park, chat with the neighbors, cooked dinner, watch tv and off to bed.  We stayed up until 9pm so we are working on getting used to the Rocky Mountain Time zone.  This will help us when we have to go on Pacific time.

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