Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 26, 2014 Estes Park and a Trip to Boulder

Great News!  We got an email from Michelle Steward and she is going to join us at Yellowstone!  Michelle was one of my outstanding students and was my graduate assistant when she was working on her MBA. She went to Arizona State and got her Ph.D. and is an Associate Professor at Wake Forest.  She is almost like a daughter to us.  We are also good friends with her parents, Peggy and Joe in Pensacola.  There is never a dull moment when Michelle is around and we are excited about her upcoming visit in Yellowstone.

Back to Estes Park.  We made reservations for a week here to give us time to really see Rocky Mountain National Park.  We are at an RV Park at Lake Mary, a small lake, located only 1.5 miles from the park entrance.  The park is nearly empty now but my next door neighbors say it fills completely up on Friday and then all the locals pull out on Sunday.  So this is a weekend spot for locals.  Our neighbors are "full-timers." That means they sold their house, car, etc. and moved on an RV and they travel around the country.  We've met several "full timers" on the trip.  RVer's often ask when they meet you: "Full-timer?"  Its like many of the sail boaters we've met over the years who are "liveaboards."  The couple next door to us are originally from Louisiana (they always have something on the grill) but they say when they finally retire from RVing they will buy a home in San Antonio where their son and family live.
Creme Puff in Estes Park on Lake Mary

Now this next part is sort of unusual.  Joe and Dale Hair have been our good friends since we got out of graduate school and took our first job at Ole Miss.  We built our houses next door to each other and later, we both moved to LSU where again, Joe and I worked together and we were neighbors.  Their son, Joey, is now married and he and Kerri have two boys, Joss and Declan.  Joey has a computer consulting business and, for several years, they have lived on Lake Lanier near Atlanta. Joe was visiting us in Pensacola last month and he told us Joey, Kerri and they boys had spent a month in Boulder this summer to check it out and they had decided to move here.  So, we called Dale as we drove through Boulder and she told us, "Yes, they did move there two weeks ago and Joe is there now helping them move."  So we called Joe and set up a visit on Tuesday.  How strange to be meeting up with these old friends from Louisiana when we are all in Colorado!  By the way, Joey's clients are MD offices and they are all over the country so it doesn't matter where he lives.  

While we were at LSU we hired a young man who had just graduated from South Carolina.  Donnie Lichtenstein was a good friend but we hadn't seen him in decades.  He left LSU shortly after we did and accepted a job at the University of Colorado where he has been Associate Dean and now is the Department Chair in the College of Business. He is a Provost Professor..the boy has done well!  When you look up research on pricing, Donnie's name will show up.  So, we had to see Donnie while we were in Boulder.  As strange as it seems, he lives a block away from Joey and Kerri's new house!  

The plans were for us to pick Joe up at Joey's house, go to UC to visit with Donnie and to see UC and then all return to Joey and Kerri's for dinner.  It was great to see everyone again.  We had all been close but it was thirty years ago that we were all together.  The only difference was Joey was no longer a baby and has a wife and two great boys, ages 7 and 4 and I now have a touch of grey (ok, white) hair.  Other than that, it was like we had never been apart.  

After touring the new house, I got to spend some quality time with the boys.  Joss and Declan killed me in a game of Beysliders.  I had never heard of the game but I am glad I don't have to earn a living playing it. After I lost so many games, Joss took pity on me and let me use the blue beyslider (this is the champion slider).  I almost tied a game using the undefeated blue slider but still lost.  
Joe, Declan,Joey,Joss and Kerri Hair
Donnie was right out of school when we hired him at LSU.  He got his B.S. at Alabama and was a big Roll Tide fan.  I would often come home late in the afternoon in Baton Rouge and Libbo and Donnie would be sitting in our den drinking wine!  Donnie has two black labs, Millie and Lagniappe.  He brought them over for a visit while we were there.  There is a park right in front of Joey and Kerri's house so it is a great place for dogs and kids.  

Lib and Donnie
Donnie with Millie and Lagniappe

Joey and Kerri prepared a great meal of cod, salmon, and vegetables followed by desert.  We had a wonderful conversation catching up with each other's lives and talking politics and religion!  The only thing missing was Dale.  But, not a problem.  Joe got out his iPad and used Face Time to bring Dale in the living room with the rest of us!
The grand-kids having a conversation with Granny on Face Time

Catching up with the Hairs and Donnie in Boulder was a lagniappe for us!  One last thing, we've mentioned Alabama several times in this blog.  Before we struck off for Boulder yesterday morning we stopped by a Safeway (Estes Park's only grocery store) and wouldn't you know it, there was a Colorado car with BAMA and Roll Tide decals!  I guess you pick up a lot of fans when you win national championships.  Anyway, I happened to be wearing my Alabama golf shirt and Lib wanted a picture of the Roll Tide car.  Bob Douglass will like this photo!
Colorado Bama Fan
Now, we've finally caught up to present time on the blog.  We've heard from several friends; talked to Missie this am who wondered if we had been eaten by a bear. And we talk to French, Carolyn and Linda regularly. Even though we are in a very remote place, Verizon is beaming in like a champ.  Now, after a few errands, we are off to do the "Trail Ridge" in the park.  This takes you to the highest peak in the park.  We hope to see some a distance!  

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